Specializing in leadership, resource, & organizational development, The Slater Group has worked with schools, colleges, foundations, and communities for over 30 years.
Our team of consultants includes some of the most talented and successful people in their areas of expertise. Each is an out of the box thinker able to develop new solutions or adapt existing systems to new parameters.
The Slater Group is experienced at conducting consulting engagements in a manner that maximizes the organization's market position and potential for success. The Slater Group will always be where transparency, professionalism, and perfection are required.



Competitive Positioning
Targeting Your Vision
The competitive impact of globalization, consolidation, and the events and threats of a fast-changing world can require an organization to vision a very different future, re-position itself within its markets and set a new direction. Unless an organization continuously adjusts itself within its competitive markets, it will find its future different than what was envisioned.
Whether you are in need of a new vision, strategic business plan, restructuring, or repositioning within your target markets, we can customize a successful solution for you and your organization. The Slater Group specializes in some of the most critical areas facing today's companies, government agencies, non-profits, and educational organizations. We are dedicated to helping make a positive difference for our clients, their employees, organizations, customers, and communities.